Science Technology Park Niš opened - Support to capacity building and accelerated growth through the project "Technopark Serbia 2" - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Science Technology Park Niš opened – Support to capacity building and accelerated growth through the project “Technopark Serbia 2”

Science Technology Park Niš was opened today. After a public call, 12 growing tech and 19 startup companies were selected for membership in STP Niš, employing about 442 people.

The first tenants are companies operating in the field of high technologies – blockchain, robotics, gaming, among which of them are some that are already market leaders, standing out with the quality of their products and services. A total of 4170 m2 of office space is available to innovators in Niš for rent.

The opening ceremony of STP Nis was attended by the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mladen Šarčević, Minister without Portfolio in charge of Technological Development, Nenad Popović, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation in Belgrade, H. E. Philippe Guex, Mayor of Niš Darko Bulatović, Rector of the University of Niš prof. Dr. Dragan Antić.

During the opening ceremony an Agreement on the implementation of the project “Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting export through techno parks” was signed, too. Through this project, The Swiss Confederation will donate 3.5 million EUR over the next four years to support further development of innovations and creation of the network of science and technology parks in Serbia. The contract was signed by Milan Ranđelović, director of STP Niš and Gordana Danilović Grković, acting director of Science Technology Park Belgrade, that will coordinate the project in the next four years.

The Ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Serbia H.E. Philippe Guex welcomed the fact that innovation has become a strategic priority in Serbia, not just on paper, but also in practice, as we see examples of investments in an innovative future, like here at Technopark in Nis.

– It is our pleasure to contribute to this priority through our project “Boosting Exports through Technoparks” in the frame of the Swiss cooperation with Serbia. In December 2019 we signed together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development an agreement for this project with the Swiss contribution of 3.5 mil EUR. But it is less the question of money here, it is more the question of friendship and solidarity between our two countries. With this new project in Niš, we aim at further developing a network that will stimulate development based on innovation and knowledge, and increase the competitiveness of Serbia’s high-tech industry.

In total, through the project “Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting exports through techno parks”, in the regions of Niš and Čačak, for the development of science technology parks in them, will be invested about 930,000 EUR (about 558,000 EUR in the region of Niš and more than 370,000 EUR in region of Čačak).

In order to create conditions for accelerated development of the newly established Science Technology Park Niš, capable of supporting the establishment and rapid development of innovative, export-oriented companies, the model, knowledge and experience of Science Technology Park Belgrade will be transferred for building regional capacities and strengthening innovation potentials. Within the approved project funds,  1.15 non-refundable mil EUR is dedicated for innovative startup teams in the early stages of development, which will result with establishment and development of 100 new startup companies in Belgrade, Niš and Čačak.

The project “Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting export through techno parks” was supported by the Government of the Swiss Confederation at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, based on well-achieved results in the previous phase, in establishing and developing of STP Belgrade as the first functional science technology park in Serbia. Hereby, The Swiss Government invests a total of EUR 4,520,000 (EUR 1,070,000 for Phase I and EUR 3,450,000 for Phase II) in the development of technology parks in Serbia.

Such support of the Swiss Government is extremely important since it will create conditions for the development of these regions, based on knowledge and innovation, encouraging young people to develop their ideas, establish technology companies and achieve their economic existence in Serbia. Through the various modalities of support, which will be provided by the Project, they will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to develop their innovations faster and enter the global market.