Mission France - Apply for French startup study visit and participation at VivaTech 2024 - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Mission France – Apply for French startup study visit and participation at VivaTech 2024

For the second year in a row, Science Technology Park Belgrade takes startups on a French market discovery mission! Applications are officially open – apply HERE.

Mission France is a unique initiative aimed at supporting Serbian startups in their “market discovery mission”, helping them improve their export potential and get access to new investments. It is the result of cooperation between the Embassy of French in Serbia and the Science Technology Park Belgrade, in partnership with BPI France and La French Tech Belgrade, with the support of the Swiss Government through the project “Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting export through techno-parks”.

The initiative contributes to strengthening links between Serbian and French innovation ecosystems.

Opportunities and benefits for startups

The initiative will provide 4 Serbian startups with an opportunity to visit France on a study tour, discover France innovation ecosystem, investment opportunities and possible partnerships, including:

  • participation at the VivaTech (June 2023, Paris) one of the most important conferences in Europe for presenting innovations and startups
  • opportunity to organize meetings with investors, VC funds and/or potential partners.
  • to network and acquire new connections and potential partnerships through the international network and contacts of BPI France and La French Tech

Who can apply?

  • Startups that develop an innovative product (digital product/software, electronic product/hardware, or physical product) with a scalable business model and ambition to expand globally,
  • They are majority Serb-owned, and at least 70% of a company is owned by founders (physical persons)
  • They have up to 50 employees (micro or small company),
  • Less than 10 years have passed since the registration in the form of a limited liability company,
  • They generate revenue from the sale of innovative products,
  • They raised at least 30,000 euros through external funding (grant, BA, or VC).

Selection criteria and processes

Up to 12 startups will be selected and invited to Belgrade to pitch in front of the jury at the French-Serbian Innovation Forum on April 64h. Pre-selection of 12 startups will be carry-out by Science Technology Park Belgrade.

After the pitches, the Jury eventually deliberate and select 4 winning startups.

Criteria according to which startups will be evaluated are:

  • Experience and expertise of the team
  • Market position, business model (scalability potential)
  • Previous results and plans (traction, investment readiness, etc)
  • Pitch quality
  • Importance of participating within Mission to France for further development of startups.

Jury members

  • Clara Petitfils, Responsible for innovation and emerging technologies at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
  • Nicolas Rabrenovic, French Tech Belgrade
  • Slobodan Žepinić, CEO NOVELIC
  • Eric Feunteun, COO of Software Republique, startup incubator Renaulta, Thalesa, Evidena and 3 other French players
  • Mariana Tsymbrovska, DG incubator Grenoble University

How do startups apply?

Startups who match are invited to apply by filling out the application form available on the following link. Applications consist of:

  • Filling out a short application form
  • Pitch deck – up to 15 slides by defined categories (link to startup pitch deck should be included in the form)

Apply HERE. The deadline is March 18th.

What are the obligations of selected startups?

  • The startup’s commitment to developing its innovation,
  • Respecting the conditions of participation in the study tour, with the obligatory presence of activities planned during the Mission to France initiative
  • The proactive approach during the visit
  • Promotion of received support
  • Entry into full or virtual membership of STPs, if STP request based on their conditions and capacity

Apply now – explore opportunities in the growing French market!

For additional information, you can contact