Regional conference "Entrepreneurship and digital literacy of young people in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina" - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Regional conference “Entrepreneurship and digital literacy of young people in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Регионална конференција„Предузетништво и дигитална писменост младих Србије, Црне Горе и Босне иХерцеговине"

Regional conference “Entrepreneurship and digital literacy of young people in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina” was held today in Belgrade.  The conference gathered young people, experts in the field of digital literacy, representatives of line ministries of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, state institutions and educational institutions from the participating countries, as well as representatives of the media, business and non-governmental sector.

Through the three panel discussions, participants were discussed about the current state, opportunities, examples of good practice for improving the business environment and digital literacy among young people in region. One of the speakers on the panel about challenges of entrepreneurship and digital literacy was Gordana Danilović Grković, acting director of Science Technology Park Belgrade.

– Speaking about youth entrepreneurship in the region we are witnessing a great paradox – on the one side we have a huge potential in young people at faculties, and a relatively small number of startup companies on the other. Practically, after the year 2.000, when there were many donor projects, the entire region missed the opportunity to develop a larger number of support organizations, such as business incubators, business innovation centers and technology parks, which would facilitate the creation and development of a significantly larger number of startup companies. A network of such organizations is necessary for us to have a startup boom here – said Danilović Grković.

The conference was organized by a non-governmental organization Center for transition and human rights Spektar, with support of the Ministry of trade, tourism and telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia.

Регионална конференција„Предузетништво и дигитална писменост младих Србије, Црне Горе и Босне иХерцеговине" 1