Innovation vouchers for 10 projects in Adriatic Ionian Region - OIS-AIR Proof of Concept Call is now opened! - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Innovation vouchers for 10 projects in Adriatic Ionian Region – OIS-AIR Proof of Concept Call is now opened!

OIS-AIR Proof of Concept Call (PoC Call) is now opened! The Call offers financing support to the 10 best innovative projects to be jointly developed by research institutes and SMEs in Adriatic Ionian Region, by means of innovation vouchers worth 18.500 EUR each.

The objective of Proof of Concept vouchers is to provide financial support to the successful conversion of good research into good business.

OIS-AIR PoC Call is a transnational initiative promoted by the OIS-AIR Network which is established by partners representing six countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Greece and Albania), in order to boost economic growth and competitiveness in the Adriatic Ionian Region.

OIS-AIR PoC Call supports the co-development of research results by research centres and SMEs in the field of Transport & Mobility, Energy & Environment, Agro-Bioeconomy, as well as their testing in research labs or in a relevant environment. Supported innovation projects must be co-financed by applicants by means of staff in-kind contribution from their own resources.

If you are researcher based in Adriatic-Ionian Region interested in presenting your technology/ research results – register to the OIS-AIR INNOVAIR Platform (, fill in the Technology Application Form and upload your technology proposal!

The Call is based on three different and consecutive phases:

Call for Ideas, targeting public research institutions and universities which are invited to disclose their research results, patents and developed technologies on INNOVAIR Platform by July, 14th 2019.

Call for Projects, aimed at encouraging the development of joint R2B Innovation project, will be opened on July 15th until September 30th. Once the brief description of candidate technology is published, matching with the companies is successfully performed, the submission of joint R2B innovation project can be made.

The last phase – selection and assignment of 10 Innovation Vouchers, will be finished by the end of October.

In order to apply, both research institutes and SMEs must be registered at OIS-AIR INNOVAIR Platform that is meant to support interaction among companies, entrepreneurs, businesses and researches at Adriatic Ionian Region.

Transnational applications to PoC Call will be positively evaluated to foster innovation network across borders in Adriatic Ionian area, by connecting relevant partners and enabling transnational flows of knowledge, innovators and shared use of facilities and technologies.

About OIS-AIR project

The OIS-AIR -Establishment of the Open Innovation System of the Adriatic-Ionian Region- project is financed by Interreg Adrion EU Programme. Its goal is to establish a single marketplace for technology and innovation, competitive and attractive at macro-regional level, involving relevant stakeholders from different sectors in Adriatic-Ionian Region, from research institutions to SMEs and public administration. Partners involved in project are: AREA Science Park Trieste, Italy, Technology Park Ljubljana, Slovenia, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatia, Science Technology Park Belgrade, Serbia, Center for Research and Technology Hellas, from Greece, University of Basilicata, Italy and Ministry of Finance and Economy of Albania.