Novely Arrangements under the Law on Foreigners: Facilities and Changes regarding Working and Staying in Serbia - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Novely Arrangements under the Law on Foreigners: Facilities and Changes regarding Working and Staying in Serbia

Earlier this month, amendments were adopted to the Law on Employment of Foreigners nd the Law on Foreigners, which introduced modifications and facilitated the procedure for foreign nationals seeking employment in Serbia.

Below is a summary of key facilities that will reduce administrative burden and procedures for employers, allowing them to hire qualified workers from other countries more quickly and more efficiently.

Facilitated procedures for employers

One o the most significant changes beneficial for employers is introducing a single work and residence permit for foreign workers. This change has the potential to significantly simplify the administrative processes for employers wishing to hire foreign workers. Instead of facing two separate procedures to obtain residence permits and work permits, employers can now use a single integrated application process. This will speed up the process and eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic steps.

Furthermore, the Ministry of the Interior must pass a decision on a residence and work permit within just 15 days of application. Such swift processing will help reduce waiting times and enable employers to plan the employment process more quickly and effectively.

Flexible options for work permits

The new rules also bring changes to the conditions for the obtaining of work permits. Specific categories of foreigners, such as those coming for studies, scientific research, international student exchange or family reunion, will no longer be required to obtain special work permits to be able to work in Serbia. This is particularly important for employers who employ experts in these fields, as the procedure will be simplified and faster.

Longer duration of temporary residence

The extension of temporary residence permits to three years instead of one year, as is currently the case, will mean less administrative burden for employers and foreign workers. It will also ensure greater stability and predictability for employers who employ foreign workers for more extended periods.

Digitalisation and efficiency

The digitalisation of processes, including the possibility to file applications online and access administrative services via an online portal, will further facilitate managing employment procedures and permit administration for employers. In addition, biometric documents will replace traditional permits and stickers, improving safety and reducing the risk of document loss or abuse.

Author: Vladimir Milošević, attorney-at-law