First INAT Summit in Belgrade - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

First INAT Summit in Belgrade

Први ИНАТ самит Београду

INAT First International Summit will be held in Belgrade from 20 to 23 April organized by Innovation Attitude (INAT) Center, which is expecting around 30 speakers and 500 participants from Serbia and the region. The conference aims to bring together young ambitious people from Serbia and the region, and connect them to the global market, support the further development of the IT scene through the further education of IT professionals and to support the further promotion of Serbia, and the Danube region as an important ecosystem for innovation, but also investments.

At INAT Summit, in addition to local lecturers, 70% comes from abroad: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Israel, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

At the INAT Summit, visitors will have the opportunity to hear: Lazara Džamić (creative strategist), Marko Jevtic (Nordeus), William Carbone (IBM), Eda Leona Klinger (Flock), Ivana Gligorijevića (Director mBrainTrain), Predrag Martic (NetCast), Milovan Jovicic (designer and software developer), and Branislav Nikolic (founder of AYO).

Visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about the application of VR / AR, user experience and methodology of design thinking, the use of agile project management in IT project management, BigData, application of IT innovation in tourism, medicine, and effective digital marketing, IOT and smart cities. Particularly interesting subject for our young entrepreneurs will be on crowdfunding for startups, and potencijalma to come to financial resources, nvesticije, as well as investment opportunities.

Applications are open until 4 April.