Members of science and technology parks in Serbia are allowed to obtain a license for import of unregistered medical devices within 24h - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Members of science and technology parks in Serbia are allowed to obtain a license for import of unregistered medical devices within 24h

The member companies of STP Belgrade and all science and technology parks in Serbia have been given the opportunity to shorten the procedure for importing unregistered medical devices for the research and development of innovative products in just 24 hours!

The initiative for accelerating this procedure started after the meeting of the Prime Minister of the RS, large domestic companies, representatives of the Scientific and Technology Park Belgrade and its hardware companies, held in June 2018 in the STP complex on Zvezdara. After several months of advocacy, a series of meetings and consultations of the Scientific and Technological Park Belgrade with representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, ALIMS (Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Serbia), as well as the Customs Administration, the Ordinance on the import of medical devices that are not registered has been amended. Namely, the new Article 9a, which authorizes the import of an unregistered medical device for the research and development of innovative products, as a member of the Scientific and Technological Park and as a user of funds for stimulating innovative through from the Innovation Fund, permition is granted no later than 24 hours after the receipt of the request.

This is a big shift bearing in mind that the earlier deadline for approving the import of unregistered medical devices in practice has lasted for more than a month, and STP Belgrade is particularly pleased with the fact that the exercise of the right to shorten this procedure was made possible for members of all scientific and technological parks in Serbia, users of the Innovation Fund, as well as scientific-research organizations.