The lecture by Anya Eldan on building innovation ecosystems - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

The lecture by Anya Eldan on building innovation ecosystems

On December 20 – 22, the Ministry of Science, Technology Development and Innovation, with the support of the SAIGE project (Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project) and in cooperation with the World Bank, organized a visit of Anya Eldan, the Israel expert for technology transfer and innovation, to Serbia. Anya Eldan has more than 30 years of experience in High Tech and Life Sciences companies, Venture Capital investments and technology transfer.

As part of her visit to Serbia, with the aim of scanning the local innovation ecosystem, and technology transfer, and in order to prepare a detailed analysis and proposal of measures for the further improvement and strengthening of this part of the ecosystem with a focus on biotechnologies, on the first day she met with the leading representatives of the innovation ecosystem at STP  Belgrade, among which were the representatives of science technology parks, the Innovation Fund, the Science Fund, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Why Israel is so successful, what we can learn, and how to build an innovative ecosystem were the focus of this presentation, with a special part dedicated to the development of biotechnologies.