Pitch of Serbian Startups to Investors in Switzerland - Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd

Pitch of Serbian Startups to Investors in Switzerland

Startups from Serbia presented themselves to investors and representatives of the Swiss startup community through a pitch at an amazing networking event Swiss Serbian Startup Night held on May 29 at Startup Space in Zurich, which we organized as part of their visit to a country that is the leader in the field of innovation.

Collabwriting, Sezonal, Pocket Symphony, ZenHire and Appcraft AI received valuable feedback and showed that they stand side by side with the world’s startups! All these startups are part of the alumni group of startups within the Raising Starts program. The great Swiss-Serbian nextesy also joined the pitch.

The event was also attended by supporting organizations, investors, as well as numerous representatives of the Serbian startup diaspora in Switzerland, which was a great opportunity to get to know the Serbian startup ecosystem and deepen ties in the field of innovation development. There were also our partners from the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property who highlighted the results of cooperation with STP Belgrade on supporting startups in the IP field.

A big thank you to Stefan Mitrović, Lav Odorović, Nenad Nikolić and Nikola Anđelković, entrepreneurs of Serbian origin in Switzerland, for their immense support in making this networking happen, as well as to the partners from Returning Point for their support.

Valuable feedback to startups was given by serial entrepreneurs and investors: Andreas Kemi, Paula Vignola, Dejan Juric and Manoj Harasgama.

The study trip for startups from Serbia was organized by the Science Technology Park Belgrade as part of the project “Technopark Serbia 2 – Boosting Exports through Technoparks”, with the support of the Swiss Government, as part of activities aimed at supporting the growth of export and discovering new markets for innovative companies from Serbia.

While discovering the Swiss market, startups also participated in StartupDays, one of the most important conferences for startups and innovations in Switzerland, which brought together representatives of the startup community, investment funds and corporations as representatives of potential startup clients, with over 1,500 participants.